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North Santiam Sewer Master Plan is underway and near completion.

The NSSA is continuing its work on future sewer projects in the cities of Detroit, Gates, Idanha and Mill City. As of April 20, 2021, the North Santiam Sewer Master Plan is underway and near completion. Detailed engineering, a lengthy permitting process, and the final funding negotiations are still ahead of us.

The current information from the Keller Associates, the contracted project engineer, is that sewer construction projects are not likely to be completed in the next 2 years. In Detroit and Idanha specifically, the process will be significantly longer (3+ years) due to the complexity of the topography in the area. The North Santiam Sewer Authority is actively working with Marion County to obtain construction funding through various state and federal entities to get all of these projects funded and underway. In short, whatever septic system permits you can get approved now to get your business open or to return home, do it. The North Santiam Sewer Project will incorporate and engineer the final plans based on what exists on your site once the project is shovel-ready.

You can read the full update in the attached PDF.


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